Sunday, July 1, 2007

P.S. from Julie

One thing that has left me feeling strange about the conference in Minneapoliswas that from all the talks, all the videos, all the personal confessions, all of the women seemed to have the same recurring complaint:that their partner at the time they had an unwanted pregnancy was unemployed and/or a Vietnam Vet and/or a drug addict and/or an alcoholic and/or abusive to the womanand if all of we as women want to become empowered and responsible, let's take responsibility for ourselves.We picked our husbands, our boyfriends, or lovers, our one night stands on a bender.Unless we were impregnated because of rape or incest, we chose to have sex with whoever the guy was.There may be a horrendous number of immature, irresponsible men around us, but we can also choose not to have sex with them. We can choose not to spend time with them. We can tell them to go away. We can choose to empower ourselves and our lives and not tolerate relationships with anyone who doesn't deserve our love or affection.